
Showing posts from February, 2025

Anarchist Tactic for Palestine by Albert Meltzer

  Anarchist Tactic for Palestine Written on the 25 th of March 1939, by Albert Meltzer The Arab revolution is centred on Palestine. The re-awakening of the Arab nation and the consequent nationalist revolution has brought the masses of Palestine in conflict with British Imperialism. Every movement against British Imperialism must be welcomed as the rulers of this country rule (or, synonymously, misrule) the larger part of the world’s colonial peoples. The opposition of revolutionaries to British Imperialism and its allies must be taken for granted. The clashing of two nationalisms (Jewish and Arab in this case) has inevitably given rise to controversy abroad. In the Houses of Parliament sympathy is naturally pro-Zionist; as one MP is reputed to have said, when asked why he supported the Jews in Palestine against the Arabs: “In my constituency I have thousands of Jewish voters, I haven’t a single Arab”. The Labour Party, free from responsibility in the Government of a bloody ...

Komunumo de Parizo en 1871 - Paris Commune of 1871

      Komunumo de Parizo en 1871 Jean-Patrick Annequin : Pensi la Komunumon hodiaŭ elfrancigis Petro Levi (Jean-Patrick Annequin, La Châtre, Indre ; " La Commune ", Bulteno de la Asocio de la Amikoj de la Komunumo de Parizo - 1871  ; 2006 Automne-Hiver numero 29 ; elfrancigis Petro Levi.) La Komunumo de Parizo de 1871 estas la referenco en la historio de la laborista movado por la formo de registaro alprenita kaj la estigitaj promesoj. Por realigi la tiel deziratan socian kaj demokratan Respublikon, ĝi elpensis novaĵojn sur la tereno de la laborista demokratio kaj organizado. Oni estas vere konvinkita, ke la principoj proklamitaj de la Komunumo de Parizo estas ankoraŭ hodiaŭ aktualaj - kaj tiaj ili estas pli ol iam ajn -, ĉar ĝia skizo de vere nova, egaleca kaj frateca socio restas konkreta utopio : fundamente estas, ke oni havu klaran konscion de tiuj grandaj principoj, kiuj ne povis koruptiĝi, sed ke on...

Bread & Freedom by Albert Camus

    Bread & Freedom by Albert Camus Speech given to the labour exchange in Saint-Etienne in May 1953. If we add up the examples of breach of faith and extortion that have just been pointed out to us, we can foresee a time when, in a Europe of concentration camps, the only people at liberty will be prison guards who will then have to lock up one another. When only one remains, he will called the `supreme guard,` and that will be the ideal society in which problems of opposition, the headache of twentieth-century governments, will be settled once and for all. Of course, this is but a prophecy and, although governments and police forces throughout the world are striving, with great good will, to achieve such a happy situation, we have not yet gone that far. Among us, for instance, in Western Europe, freedom is officially approved. But such freedom makes me think of the poor female cousin in certain middle-class families. She has become a widow; she has lost he...

Al Amal First Edition

    Friends in the CNT-AIT (France) have sent me the first edition of Al Amal (Hope) a bimonthly newsletter produced by Sudanese anarchists organised under the Sudan Anarchist Gathering.  At their request I am reproducing its contents here, the pdf of the English version can be downloaded here . In addition to English there is a section written in Arabic script, I will be copying that here as well but can't guarantee it'll be free of typographical errors, please see the pdf for the original. If you'd like to know more, support their work or sign up for the next the instalment then read the following information. This bimonthly is issued jointly by the Sudan Anarchist Gathering, CNT-AIT France and their friends. If you want to receive the next issues, please contact us : If you want to support financially the Sudan Anarchist Gathering, you can use our paypal (please validate “Sending ‘money to an individual’ to p...

Letter to President Carter on Aid to Military in El Salvador, February 17, 1980

   Here is the text of the letter written by Archbishop Oscar Romero to then US President Jimmy Carter urging him to cease supporting military and police death squads in El Salvador and to reaffirm his stated commitments to human rights. A month after writing this letter, Oscar Romero was gunned down by agents of the Junta on the 24th of March 1980. In the last few days, news has appeared in the national press that worries me greatly. According to the reports your government is studying the possibility of economic and military support and assistance to the present junta government. Because you are a Christian and because you have shown that you want to defend human rights, I venture to set forth for you my pastoral point of view concerning this news and to make a request. I am very worried by the news that the government of the United States is studying a form of abetting the arming of EI Salvador by sending military teams and advisors to "train three Salvadoran ba...

Translation of a talk on the Esperanto Workers Movement

           La Angla Traduko Thiery: Hello everyone, especially the viewers of EsKu, our now very popular channel about Esperanto culture. If you've discovered this video series for the first time then you can subscribe to our channel using the "subscribe" button below. Having done that, then you will not miss any of our future videos. What is the subject of today's talk Pascal? Your previous two talks, videos 35 and 37 sketched out the development of the Neutral* part of the movement between the First and Second World Wars. I believe you will now go on to explain the development of the Workers Esperanto movement in the same period as you hinted you would at the end of video 37. Pascal: Greetings dear viewers of EsKu. You are right about today's subject Thierry. The interwar period between 1920 and 1940 was a time rich with experiences and changes for both flanks of the Esperanto movement. Allow me to summarize the main parts again, as I'm not c...