Anarkiismo kaj diskonigo de Esperanto en Ĉinio - Anarchism and the spread of Esperanto in China
La disvastiĝo de Esperanto en Ĉinio en la komenca stadio karakteriĝas per strikta ligiĝo kun anarkiismo, kaj pro tio iuj opiniis, ke la idealo de la esperantistoj ja estas anarkiismo.
Anarkiismo formiĝis en Francio kaj Germanio dum la 40-aj jaroj de la 19-a jarcento, kaj aperis Stirne-anarkiismo kaj Proudhom-socialanarkiismo. Poste floris en Rusio la kolektiva anarkiismo de Bakunin, kaj anarki-komunismo kaj anarki-sindikatismo de Kropotkin. La ismoj propagandataj de ili estis diversaj. Krom la scienca socialismo, tiam troviĝis diversspecaj socialismoj. Tiaj ismoj multe influis intelektulojn kaj vicaron de laboristoj. Grupo da ĉinaj studentoj en Japanio kaj Eŭropo, inkluzive de progresemaj junuloj, kiel ekz., Bakin, akceptis la influon de anarkiismo.
La ĉinaj anarkiistoj kombinis la anarkiismon kun Konfucianismo kaj la doktrino de Kang Youwei pri “granda harmonio” kaj “komuna harmonia rondo” de la homaro, kun la revo fondi perfektan socion, en kiu “beboj petolas en la sino de la patrino kaj plenkreskuloj sate ĝuas plezuron, ili vivas sen batalo, sen ĉagreno, sen plendo kaj sen konkuro, nur en ĝojo kaj harmonio tra la mondo”. Tiuj pensoj nature koincidis kun la interna ideo de Esperanto, iniciatita de Zamenhof. D-ro Zamenhof kreis Esperanton por nuligi la diskriminacion kaj malamon inter gentoj kaj rompi la septon inter religioj, kun la celo fondi mondpacon kaj grandan harmonian rondon de la homaro. La ĉinaj anarkiistoj prenis Esperanton kiel miraklan lingvon por fondi idealan socion kaj harmonian rondon de la homaro, opiniante, ke la valoro de Esperanto kuŝas ne nur en restarigo de Ĉinio, sed ankaŭ en interkompreniĝo kaj interligiĝo de nacioj kaj revoluciuloj. Pro tio ili senlace kaj tutanime klopodis disvastigi Esperanton.
Pluraj pioniroj de la ĉina Esperanto-movado en la komenca periodo estis adeptoj de anarkiismo, ekz., Liu Shipei, Zhang Ji, Wu Zhihui, Li Shizeng, Zhang Jingjiang, kaj poste Liu Shifu (Sifo), Ou Shengbai (Sinpak Au), Huang Zunsheng (Wong Kenn) k.a. ili aktive diskonigis Esperanton unuflanke kaj anarkiismon aliflanke. Liu Shipei, Zhang Ji kaj Li Shizeng eldonis eksterlande revuon plenan je anarkiismo. Liu Shifu prenis disvastigon de anarkiismo kiel sian mision por la tuta vivo. Dum la jaroj 1913-1915, li redaktis la revuon Voĉo de la Popolo, kiu servis kiel lia ĉefa batalkampo por diskonigi anarkiismon kaj Esperanton. Kvankam la anarkiismo en Ĉinio estis delonge jam neita de la historio, tamen estas aprobinde, ke la anarkiistoj enkondukis Esperanton en Ĉinion kaj faris energiajn klopodojn por disvastigi la lingvon en Ĉinio.
La Angla TradukoThe initial dissemination of Esperanto is characterised with tight links with anarchism, and for that reason some believed that the ideal of the Esperanto speakers is anarchism.
Anarchism was founded in France and Germany during the 1840s, and appeared as Stirnerian anarchism[1] and Proudhonian social anarchism[2]. Later in Russia flourished the Collectivist Anarchism of Bakunin[3], and Anarchist-communism and anarcho-syndicalism of Kropotkin[4]. The doctrines they propagated were very diverse. Apart for scientific socialism there were many diverse types of socialism at the time[5]. Such isms greatly influenced intellectuals and types of workers. A group of Chinese students in Japan and Europe, including progressive young people like Ba Jin for example accepted the influence of Anarchism.
The Chinese anarchists combined anarchism with Confucianism[6] and the doctrine of Kang Youwei[7] about the "great harmony" and "common harmonious circle" of humanity. With the dream of founding a perfect society in which "Babies mourn in the bosom of the mother and adults are full of pleasure, they live without struggle, without grief, without complaint and without competition, only in joy and harmony throughout the world". These thoughts naturally coincided with the internal idea of Esperanto initiated by Zamenhof. Doctor Zamenhof created Esperanto to nullify discrimination and hate between peoples [ethnic groups] and to break down the partition between religions. With goal to establish world peace and a great harmonious circle of humanity. The Chinese anarchists took Esperanto as a miraculous language for establishing an ideal society and a harmonious circle of humanity. Thinking that the value of Esperanto would lie in the restoration of China, but also in the understanding and interconnections between nations and revolutionaries. For this reason they tried tirelessly and wholeheartedly to spread Esperanto. Several pioneers of the Chinese Esperanto movement in the initial period were followers of Anarchism. For example Liu Shipei, Zhang Ji, Wu Zhihui, Li Shizeng, Zhang Jingjiang, kaj poste Liu Shifu (Sifo), Ou Shengbai (Sinpak Au), Huang Zunsheng (Wong Kenn) etc. They actively spread Esperanto on the one hand, and Anarchism on the other. Liu Shipei, Zhang Ji kaj Li Shizeng published outside the country a magazine full of anarchism. Liu Shifu took the spreading of Anarchism as his mission in life. During the years 1913-15, he edited the magazine Voice of the People, which served as his main battlefield for publishing anarchism and Esperanto. Although anarchism has longed been denied in history, it is nevertheless accepted that the Anarchists introduced the language into China and made energetic efforts to spread the language in China.
1: Max Stirner was a German philosopher most known for his work the Ego and His Own. Though its misleading to say there was a flourishing Stirner influenced Anarchist movement in the 1840s. There are probably more Stirner admirers now than at any time previously.
2: Pierre Joseph-Proudhon was an influential thinker and advocate of workers societies, his ideas did lay the foundation for what became known as Mutualist-socialism.
3: Mikhail Bakunin was a quite famous revolutionary, though his ideas were more popular in Spain, Italy and Switzerland than they were in Russia.
4: Peter Kropotkin is indeed a famous advocate of Anarchist-Communism, though the earliest Anarchist-Communists were probably in France and Italy in the 1850s, with advocates like Joseph Dejacque and Carlo Cafiero.
5: Scientific socialism was how Marx and Engels described their ideas, officially the Communist Party of China is an heir to it, though through many confusing and contradictory layers.
6: Most of the early Chinese Esperantists promoted Anarchist-Communism, and while there was some cross pollination with other Chinese groups including Daoism and reformed Buddhism.
7: Kang Youwei was a Confucian scholar and extremely difficult to summarise in his ideas. He mainly advocated constitutional monarchism but also was one of the earliest public figures to talk about opposing capitalism and the benefits of socialism and communism. Though what he meant by those terms is quite contested. He was also an important influence on many Chinese political activists including many early members of the Communist party, most famously Mao Zedong who dedicated many early articles to Kang Youwei's teachings.
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