
Showing posts from March, 2025

Willem Van Spronsen

  Willem Van Spronsen, 69 year old Anarchist and Anti-fascist Yesterday a man was shot and killed in the Tacoma immigrant detention centre, after attacking its transport hub in an attempt to prevent deportations. That man was Willem Van Spronsen, a 69 year old man, known as an active anti-fascist and anarchist. Last year he was in court for intervening to protect a 17 year old fellow protestor at another protest against the treatment of migrants at that facility. Conditions there, and in other facilities have only gotten worse, with them quickly becoming concentration camps for the US government to house thousands of people of all ages in deteriorating conditions. Since this is still breaking news there is some confusion about the events, early reports framed the incident as if Spronsen were trying to set fire to the whole camp, only for it come out that the use of incendiaries was against ICE vehicles. La Resistencia , a group that has organised several protests against ...

News from Zengakuren

  ZENGAKUREN, the All-Japan Federation of Autonomous Student Bodies is a mass revolutionary organisation, with a militant tradition of struggle against American Imperialism and the Japanese ruling class. In 1960, it organised strikes and continuous demonstrations, in which many were wounded, outside the Tokyo Diet, against the Ratification of the Japanese – US Security Treaty. These reached such an intensity that the US Government thought it advisable to cancel a proposed Eisenhower visit to Japan. The Zengakuren have recently called for the establishment of an anti-war International. They are supported in this by the Committee of 100, the Student Peace Union in the US, the Socialist Students Organization of West Germany and many other organizations opposed to both American and Russian tests. On August 17, 1962, representatives of the Zengakuren, including Nemoto, their President, attended the Leningrad Conference of the International Union of Students. On their way, they had ...

Anarkiismo kaj diskonigo de Esperanto en Ĉinio - Anarchism and the spread of Esperanto in China

  La disvastiĝo de Esperanto en Ĉinio en la komenca stadio karakteriĝas per strikta ligiĝo kun anarkiismo, kaj pro tio iuj opiniis, ke la idealo de la esperantistoj ja estas anarkiismo. Anarkiismo formiĝis en Francio kaj Germanio dum la 40-aj jaroj de la 19-a jarcento, kaj aperis Stirne-anarkiismo kaj Proudhom-socialanarkiismo. Poste floris en Rusio la kolektiva anarkiismo de Bakunin, kaj anarki-komunismo kaj anarki-sindikatismo de Kropotkin. La ismoj propagandataj de ili estis diversaj. Krom la scienca socialismo, tiam troviĝis diversspecaj socialismoj. Tiaj ismoj multe influis intelektulojn kaj vicaron de laboristoj. Grupo da ĉinaj studentoj en Japanio kaj Eŭropo, inkluzive de progresemaj junuloj, kiel ekz., Bakin, akceptis la influon de anarkiismo. La ĉinaj anarkiistoj kombinis la anarkiismon kun Konfucianismo kaj la doktrino de Kang Youwei pri “granda harmonio” kaj “komuna harmonia rondo” de la homaro, kun la revo fondi perfektan socion, en kiu “beboj petolas en la s...

Catastrophic Gradualism by Geogre Orwell

    The following is a commentary by George Orwell on the intellectual backing for dictatorship and oppression. It is in reaction to the 1945 publication of Arthur Koestler's book The Yogi and the Cossack, which is a collection of essays.  It first appeared in the September 1946 issue of Politics.   THERE is a theory which has not yet been accurately formulated or given a name, but which is very widely accepted and is brought forward whenever it is necessary to justify some action which conflicts with the sense of decency of the average human being. It might be called, until some better name is found, the Theory of Catastrophic Gradualism. According to this theory, nothing is ever achieved without bloodshed, lies, tyranny and injustice, but on the other hand no considerable change for the better is to be expected as the result of even the greatest upheaval. History necessarily proceeds by calamities, but each succeeding age will be as bad, or nearly as bad, as the l...