
Showing posts from January, 2025

Ĉe la lando de la "Nigraĉemizuloj - In the land of the Black shirts (Extract)

  Ĉe la lando de la "Nigraĉemizuloj (1)" (1) Ĉi tio estas ekstrakto el sufiĉe longa raporto pri vojaĝo en Italio. -- Kompil. Romo Kiu studis pli malpli la historion de l' romana popolo, tiu ne povas sen ia emocio paŝi sur la zigzagaj, mallarĝaj stratoj de l' t. n. sepmonta, Ĉiama Urbo. Trude oni memoras, ke tie, antaŭ du mil jaroj, vivis, interbatalis, krimis la famaj estroj de imperio, kiu etendiĝis de Nigra Maro ĝis Gibraltara Markolo, de Grandbritio ĝis Sahara Dezerto. Tie staris amase plej belstilaj konstruoj ĉiuspecaj: temploj, banejoj, triumfarkaĵoj, kolonegoj, cirkoj ktp., kies restaĵoj atestas ankoraŭ nuntempe pri la potencego, riĉego, belbrilegeco de formalaperinta civilizo.  En la "Foro Romano" (Romana Forumo) la triumfarkaĵoj de Septimjo Severo, tiu de Tito, multaj rompitaj kolonoj, difektaj statuoj k multe da aliaj ruinoj elokvente konvinkas, ke ĝis nun oni ne superis la artisman kulturon de la antikvaj Romanoj. ...

No More Compromise - Pierre Besnard

     No More Compromise  by Pierre Besnard  Note: Pierre Besnard (8 October 1886 – 19 February 1947) was a French revolutionary syndicalist. He was the Secretary of the Confédération Générale du Travail-Syndicaliste Révolutionnaire (CGT-SR) from 1929, and the Secretary of the International Workers' Association (IWA).  During the Spanish Civil War Besnard was a vocal critic of the increasing collaboration of the CNT's national committee with the Spanish Republic and the resulting reversals of revolutionary gains. The CNT's national committee in response mounted a campaign to replace him in the IWA and also launched a sort of rival organisation the  Solidaridad Internacional Antifascista (SIA)  to handle solidarity and support from abroad. An article by former IWA secretariat Pierre Besnard about avoiding the mistakes of the CNT during the Spanish Civil War. Originally appeared in The Vanguard (May 1939) Provided by the Workers Solidar...

Delegates from anarcho-syndicalist organizations at the founding Congress of the IWA, Berlin, 1922.

    [CP italienne, de l’Unione Sindacale Italiana (USI) pour les victimes du fascime, photo montrant un groupe de congressistes, lors du congrès constitutif de la nouvelle AIT à Berlin en décembre 1922. De gauche à droite - en haut : Ritter, Hermann - Schuster - Borghi, Armando - Lindstam - Zelm - Dissel, Th.J. au milieu : Orlando - Souchy, Augustin - Schapiro, Alexander - Rocker, Rudolf - Giovannitti, Arturo - Lansink, B. en bas : Severin, Frans - d’Andrea Borghi, Virgilia - Abad de Santillán, Diego. A noter la correspondance d’Armando Borghi adressée à Louis Bertoni.] [Italian CP, of the Unione Sindacale Italiana (USI) for the victims of fascism, photo showing a group of congressmen, during the founding congress of the new AIT in Berlin in December 1922. From left to right - top Ritter, Hermann - Schuster - Borghi, Armando - Lindstam - Zelm - Dissel, Th.J.  au milieu : Orlando - Souchy, Augustin - Schapiro, Alexander - Rocker, Rudolf - Giovannitti, Arturo - Lansink...

E.Lanti : Duonhoron kun Errico Malatesta (intervjuo) - A half hour with Errico Malatesta (Interview)

  Inter la nunaj gravuloj de la anarkista movado, Malatesta estas certe unu el la plej famaj. Dum longaj jaroj li vivis ekzilite k. povis reveni Italion nur post la milito. Antaŭ la faŝisma regado, li direktis la ĉiutagan ĵurnalon " L’Umanita " k. nun li eldonas la interesan duonmonatan revuon " Pensiero e Volonta "  (Penso k. Volo). Jam maljuna, grizbarba, E. M. restas tamen tre juna spirite : En liaj okuloj ardas fajro de ne estingebla entuziasmo ; lia voĉo havas tonon de konvinko neŝancelebla. Antaŭ tiu viro, malaltkreska, iomete terenklinema, oni sentas sin tuj en simpatia k. fidema atmosfero. Por ke ne estu inter ni iu ajn miskompreno, mi diris al li ke mi estas ano de Komintern k. sekve ne havas la saman komprenon kiel li rilate la nuntempajn sociajn problemojn. — Tion mi jam sciis per la legado de S. R., respondis ridetante k-do Malatesta. — Ĉu do vi komprene legas esp.on ? mi intermetis. — Ja, vian revuon...

1937: Juan García Oliver Speech About Durruti and the time of Pistoleros and action groups

        I found this speech given at some point in 1937 by Juan Garcia Oliver while looking for public domain footage of the Spanish Civil War and the years that preceded it. Oliver had joined the CNT Anarcho-syndicalist union in 1919 and in the early 1920s took an active part in the illegal action groups. The groups carried out reprisals for the murder of Anarchists and union members and with the group Los Solidarios Oliver took part in some high profile assassinations. In the 1930s Oliver took part in several abortive insurrections in Catalunya and was in prison until an amnesty in 1936.  During the civil war he oscillated wildly between posts and ideological positions, initially supporting the full implementation of Libertarian Communism and joining a column at the front in Aragon, before being called back to be a CNT representative and later joining the Caballero republican government. During the Mayday's clashes between the Republic and the more revolutiona...

The Forerunners of Anarchism by Emile Armand

  This text is available on kindle. Support translations via ko-fi The Forerunners of Anarchism by Emile Armand Introduction, Emile Armand (26 th of March 1872- 19 th of February 1962) was the son of a former Communard, that is a participant in the revolution of 1871 that established the Commune of Paris, and was for a time a well-known French Anarchist who moved through many associations and publications, developing his own thoughts and beliefs. In his early days he was sympathetic to a form of Christian Humanism before becoming interested in France’s diverse Anarchist movement. He eventually settled on and was closely associated with what’s called Individual Anarchism. An Anarchistic philosophy that centres free individuals as the foundations of the new society, and as the source of the solutions to the evils of our current society, war, domination, exploitation, capitalism, patriarchy etc.    “ If we were animals, herded together in a stockade...